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IRES Mid Term Evaluation and Planning Meeting of 8th July 2023


  1. Overview of IRES; history, vision, mission, core strategy and values, scope.
  2. Progress Updates
    1. Knowledge attitude and practices of adolescences on HIV. Presented by; Amah Comfort, Project Coordinator
    2. Evaluation on feasibility and acceptability of injectable PrEP in key populations of Cameroon. Presented by; Ines
    3. Impact on community dispensation on ART outcomes. Presented by; Dr. Ajeh Rogers
    4. HIV disproportionate gender gap. Presented by; Laure
    5. MDR TB diagnosis to treatment gap; cost effectiveness. Presented by; Presented by Bereynuy Jude Cholong MD. Msc. PhDc Health Economics, policy and Management. Coordinator MDRTB CEA study.
    6. Prevalence of MDR TB survey. Presented by; Sylvanus T. FON M.Sc, MPH, PhD Fellow
    7. Orphanage needs and risk assessment. Presented by; Dr SEMA Denis
  3. Care and Support Updates;
    1. Training and Capacity Building Plan. Presented by; Dominik
    2. OVC Presented by; Kathy
  4. IRES Strategic Plan: comments, discussions and validation
  5. Award ceremony to some meritorious staff of IRES for outstanding contribution and time devotion.

Mid-term Evaluation in Pictures

Certificate Award to some Meritorious Staff